Why we are asking for your feedback.

The Maritime Professional Council (MPC) has carried out a preliminary survey into ‘Kind Leadership’ in a cross section of our industry. This survey confirmed the requirement to now seek the critically important views on this subject of our currently serving Merchant Navy officers, superintendents and managers. A ‘Kind Leader’ may be defined as follows: “Kind leaders think about how their people want to work, what motivates them and what inspires them. They focus on who the individual is and how they can help them become the best person they can be, while acknowledging that people have a life away from their ship or office, as well as other responsibilities.”
Forbes Business Council.

In carrying out this survey, MPC also wishes to establish seafarers’ views on current STCW training requirements and to determine whether there is a need for additional industry training in ‘Kind Leadership’. To help us better understand the views of serving seafarers, superintendents and managers, on current professional training needs, your help in completing this survey is critically important, since your opinions may well be instrumental in shaping future industry training.

This survey is being supervised by The Nautical Institute (NI) under the direction of MPC’s Deputy Chairman, John Lloyd (CEO of the NI). The NI is very experienced in running industry surveys and their involvement will ensure the complete protection of confidentiality. Please be assured that it will not be possible to link any comments you make with your name.

Once all the results have been collated, we will be providing feedback via your professional association. The MPC is committed to following this project through to its logical and proper conclusion.

Click here to take the survey and make your thoughts known.